Tuesday 8 November 2011

Stills from Final Cut/Garageband

Target age group, Learning objectives and what the children would enjoy about the film

Our target age group would be 1-7 years old. The film would be a U. The learning objectives are about how things change through life, from baby to adult. The children will see something which happens every day in life, and learn it in a fun, colourful, easy-to-understand way. Adapting on the catapilla idea we were going to have for example, a chicken egg, to a chick, to a full grown chicken. Showing the changes and development all living things go through in life. The children would enjoy the film as the film is about young people, who they can relate to and then the actors (who are children themselves) would be able to speak in a child-like way, in a language that children can understand easily and therefore relate to themselves. Freddie and Rosie is also good role models for the children as they are polite, happy and confident children. They would also enjoy the colourful animation and big bubbly writing, which keeps them hooked. As young children like bright, primary colours. The music is also happy and upbeat which young children would like and enjoy to hear.

Compare/Contrast to similar film.

We got our ideas from a TV programme called 'Charlie and Lola'. We adapted our ideas to turn it into an opening sequence that could then be carried on in to a film. In Charlie and Lola, the little boy (Charlie) asks his older sister (Lola) about things he wants to find out about. In our opening sequence with Rosie and Freddie (the brother and sister), we get the little boy (Freddie) to ask something that he doesn't know to his sister (Rosie), but we then leave it almost on a cliffhanger (as the cocoon doesn't hatch) which then leaves the story open for more to be revealed. 


Friday 4 November 2011

Final Video

What we're happy with:
We feel that the music fitted the video quite well. It's upbeat and makes you feel happy.
The voice over and music were well in sync, and we didn't have to do much editing to achieve this. We are happy with the opening and closing credits as they are colourful and attractive.

What we're not happy with: 
We weren't happy with the quality of the drawings (of characters and of backgrounds) If this was done to a higher standard, then the outcome would've been better. Also, during the voice overs, you can hear background noises, if we were to do it again we would make sure we done it in a silent location. There were also shadows in the shots.

Props - for childrens film 11

For our film we decided to do animation. For animation we needed to use many pictures to put the film together. We all hand drew the pictures. We had to draw different sceneries. We drew several 'Freddie and Rosies' with different hand movements to make it look right when the characters waved and spoke. We also hand drew all the letters for the credits. We used the colour scheme of; red, green, yellow and orange.  This theme ran throughout our film. The props are Letters, Backgrounds (tree, grass, flowers, log and 'zzz'), 'Freddie' and 'Rosie', flowers,  a catterpilla, butterflies. 

Thursday 20 October 2011

Understanding of a children's film

A children's film must have a target audience of a child. There should not be any real effort to make the film suitable for any other age group and may or may not have children in the actual film. A key example of a children's film would be The Lion King as it is directly aimed at children with no real effort to make it appeal to any other audience rather than a child. The most common sorts of genres used for children's films are things like adventure films because of how much they appeal to a child because when you are that age you're always thinking about adventures. The genre adventure is also good to be used for a children's film because of the way in which you can always have a moral to the story which is a key thing to have in a children's film. The type of characters which should be in a children's film must be friendly acting and looking (unless they are supposed to be 'baddies', however, even then they should not be too scary looking) 
Big cuddly characters are also good because it is comfort for the younger children and it softens the scary characters. 

Friday 7 October 2011

Decision between PG and U certificate

We have chosen to do a PG certificate due to it being easier to make a good film from as there are not as many restriction as to what you can and can't do. It is also a wider criteria base.

Classification system

The movie Mrs Doubtfire was rated a PG certificate. We agree with this because it has mild language throughout the film and it also has sexual references as well as other adult humour. For example, there is a lot of talk about sexual things coming from the adult characters.

Classification system

The PG certificate stands for parental guidance. It should be suitable for anyone over the age of 8. It is the parents responsibility to see if the child is mature enough to handle the film. There may be discrimination within the film however, it should have educational purposes. Drugs can be discussed yet not seen and should have a anti drugs message. There may be horror though it has to be short and not intense. There may be some mild bad language and in general the films will be more grown up themes but education is key.

Classification system

The U certificate stands for Universal. It is suitable for anyone over 5 years old. It should be based around positive moral framework and must offer reassuring counter balances to any threats. It must also be suitable for children to view alone. It should not have bad language, drugs, sex/sexual references and no discrimination.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Analysing Sci Fi Films - Paul

The first shot introduces you to the main character 'Mr Incredible', you know that he must have an important role in the film as the film is named after his last name; 'The Incredibles'. The music is upbeat and fast which complements what's going on in the shot when there's a car chase.

Analysing Fantasy Genre - Monsters Inc

There's a lot going on in the opening credits, they are colourful and fun so the children don't get bored. There's Jazz music in the background which is happy and upbeat, which also appeals to adults. The opening scene sets the theme of the film (Trying to scare children for their screams) and it lays out the storyline. Animation appeals to children and it also makes it less scary because it's not realistic. The use of clothes on the monsters makes them less scary as they seem more human than monsters. The font of the title is important as it's the trademark logo of the film and it's used on franchising and advertising. The film relates to adults as well as children as it's got the theme of 'theres a monster under the bed/in the cupboard' and everyone when they were younger could relate to this.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Analysing Spy Kids - Cinematography

The first few shots are establishing shots to set the scene of an old run down water park. The music is non-diegetic and quite mellow giving the scene a dreary feel. There's a foley sound of footsteps and the characters jacket swishing past when the character is walking. There's then a mid shot that zooms in to the first character we're introduced to. There's then a two shot that introduces us to the second character. The music is more upbeat and empathetic. There's then a track pan around the two characters talking, which then turns into an over the shoulder shot. The scene zooms out into a birds eye view of the tree.

Analysing Jumanji - Cinematography

Establishing shot in forest
Two shot when burying trunk
High angle shot when fell into hole (Weakness)
Low angle shot when burying trunk (Power)
Establishing shot/Long shot to set scenery
Close up to show emotion when being bullied
Crane shot when cars driving
Tracking shot when following boy on bike
Point of view shot when looking out of window toward bullies

Favourite Childrens Film - Conventions

Our favourite children's film is The Lion King. In the opening sequence, there is calm, happy, soundscape music (The music has an African feel to it, which also helps set the scene) The soundtrack is composed. You are introduced to a lot of different colourful animals (which helps keep children's attention to the film) who are all looking and heading in the same direction towards what is eventually made clear to be the lead character who is of importance, as all of the animals bow down to him. You know all of this without any dialogue so it is easily understandable for children. Finally the title of the film appears after you are introduced to what the film will be about.

Friday 30 September 2011

Prelimary Task & Evaluation

The camera was very easy to use. We didn't really have any problems during filming. In one shot we forgot to take the tripod out of the shot so in future we would make sure there are no additional props. We could've made the conversation flow a bit better as it sounds quite forced. But in general, we found it  quite easy and enjoyable to do.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Preliminary Task

Elizabeth Fletcher and Bethaney Wilson acted and Sophie Fordham filmed.

Our first shot was an establishing shot in the canteen, Bethaney walked through the canteen to the door. This then lead to our second shot which was a close up of Bethaney opening the door. The third shot was a match on action shot where it shows Bethaney opening the door from a different angle. Then our fourth shot was a reaction shot of Bethaney and Elizabeth bumping into each other when both trying to walk through the door. This was also a long shot. Our final shots were of Bethaney and Elizabeth having a conversation about college, with over the shoulder shots, and finally a 180 degree shot.

Preliminary Task

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